What I've loved to do for years is decorate with plants and visit my favorite wholesale floral shop in Alexandria. Decorating with plants is a year round way to take the edge off the sparseness of winter. It's a great way to commune with living things inside when its gloomy and cold outside. The great benefit of decorating with plants is improved air quality...you're creating a micro climate. Air quality is increased the more plants you have in a space. But, don't create a jungle! Trim, water, feed and displace to visually enhance your environment. Cut flowers can also add color and warmth to a room like nothing else....they're the accessory that adds the greatest impact for the least cost. Think of cleaver and creative ways to table scape and pull it all together with flowers and plants!
image: NY Times

I was reminded by another post yesterday how much I needed to get outside to plant something. This is yet further inspiration. Thank you!
i checked up on you last week....glad to see you're back posting...but up too late to leave a decent comment on your ribbons, will do it today... Fay
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